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Flash Beryllium

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Game Rating
3 votes
1,342 plays
Game Description

Take on the atomic world in this bullet hell game as an atom of everyone’s favorite element: Beryllium! Dodge dozens to hundreds of photons as you fight back with your own. When things get tight, reverse polarity and reflect nearby photons away. Three bosses of increasing difficulty await, can you defeat them all? Please leave feedback. One of the most frustrating things about being a game…show moreTake on the atomic world in this bullet hell game as an atom of everyone’s favorite element: Beryllium! Dodge dozens to hundreds of photons as you fight back with your own. When things get tight, reverse polarity and reflect nearby photons away. Three bosses of increasing difficulty await, can you defeat them all? Please leave feedback. One of the most frustrating things about being a game designer is people who say “I hate it” and leave. Why do you hate it? What can I do better? What would make you like it?show less Updates Dec 18: Fixed the Pause issue with high energy photons, sorry for the wait, after the contest there wasn’t much incentive to work on the game and I got deep into making the game as a whole longer and more varied. Nov 26: FIXED A MAJOR PRODUCER OF LAG! Game should not lag now due to excessive play: the enemy array was getting filled up with null elements causing the “when I shoot, it l…show moreDec 18: Fixed the Pause issue with high energy photons, sorry for the wait, after the contest there wasn’t much incentive to work on the game and I got deep into making the game as a whole longer and more varied. Nov 26: FIXED A MAJOR PRODUCER OF LAG! Game should not lag now due to excessive play: the enemy array was getting filled up with null elements causing the “when I shoot, it lags” problem. Huzzah! Nov 25: Fixed some longstanding (but unreported!) bugs that I learned about today. Also fixed major problems with the awards, some were not awarding correctly, some were awarding incorrectly! 100% completion should now work as intended, instead of…well, nearly all the time.show less Instructions In game. Arrows move X shoots Z activates ‘shield’ P pauses

Flash Beryllium Comments (2)
Newest Comments
Score: +1 |
a chem game no dnt lol
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